Embed Wave in Any Web Page or Web-Based App using Lightning out As per the salesforce document Embed Dashboards Everywhere ,To embed Analytics in any web page or web-based app, First, We need to add an Analytics dashboard component to your site, using Visualforce embedding, Lightning App Builder, or Lightning Out. This code sample shows how to add an Analytics dashboard component via Lightning Out. $Lightning.use("wave:waveApp", function() { $Lightning.createComponent("wave:waveDashboard", { dashboardId: "0FKxx00000006bOGAQ" }, "app"); }, url, accessToken) Second, set up a whitelist using the Content Security Policy (CSP). See Set Up a Whitelist of Trusted Sites for Embedded Analytics Dashboards. The whitelist for embedded Analytics includes the following by default: *.salesforce.com:* *.force.com:* Your org’s custom domain. However while implementing the above code, We might face some errors regarding CORS or Lightning errors eve
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